The front lines of the war between Israel and Hamas are expanding and moving beyond Gaza.
Just last week, Yemen’s Houthis intensified their involvement, going from simply attacking Israeli
bound cargo ships to now navigating an armed drone over 1,200 miles, evading Israel’s Iron
Dome defense system and managed to strike inside Tel Aviv causing a massive explosion.
And in just the last couple of weeks, in addition to their ongoing war in Gaza, Israel has attacked
— or been attacked by — Iraq, Lebanon and Syria.
Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to promise Israel unconditional and limitless support. But has
anyone even asked if this support is LEGAL?
I’m investigative journalist Ben Swann and this is Reckoning: Israel and Gaza.
According to the 1976 Symington and Glenn Amendments of the Armed Foreign Assistance
Act, which is now a part of the Arms Export Control Act, the United States cannot give foreign
aid, whether that’s economic or military, to any nuclear armed state that is not a signatory to the
non-proliferation treaty, or the NPT.
But the United States gives billions of dollars every year to Israel. And according to all
international arms organizations, Israel has anywhere from 90-400 nuclear warheads. And
Israel has not signed the NPT.
So does this legally happen?
Well the United States and Israel simply pretend Israel does not have nuclear weapons.
Literally. That’s what’s done. It is called “nuclear ambiguity.”
This nuclear ambiguity, which allows Israel to continue to receive billions from the U.S. and also
operate and maintain their nuclear arsenal with absolutely no international oversight and zero
regulation, is maintained and preserved through the threat of force.
Due to a previously top-secret gag order, all U.S. government agency employees and
contractors are forbidden from discussing Israel’s nuclear weapons program.
Even insinuating or mentioning information that’s already in the public domain is forbidden for all
federal employees and contractors.
It sounds hard to believe but let’s give an example: James Doyle used to work at Los Alamos
National Laboratory as a nuclear security specialist. He violated this gag order.
Doyle wrote an academic article arguing that Nuclear weapons do not do a good job at deterring
countries from attacking one another
He wrote:
“Nuclear weapons did not deter Egypt and Syria from attacking Israel in 1973, Argentina from
attacking British territory in 1982 or Iraq from attacking Israel during the 1991 Gulf War.”
A clear reference to Israel’s nuclear weapons.
Doyle’s security clearance was promptly withdrawn, his home was raided, his computers were
seized and he was fired from the Department of Energy. So apparently that’s how it works.
In 2018, The New Yorker published a stunning report in which they discuss another way Israel’s
nuclear ambiguity is enforced: secret presidential letters.
According to former U.S. officials and former Israeli officials, every recent US administration
since Clinton in 1993 has performed the same ritual as it came into office.
They all agreed to undermine U.S. law by signing secret letters, brought to them by hand by
their Israeli counterparts stipulating that they’ll never acknowledge what everyone knows: that
Israel indeed has nuclear weapons.
The National Archives is currently refusing to release the letters, arguing that even confirming
their existence would violate the secrecy pact.
So there’s a gag order that stops all federal employees and contractors from simply
acknowledging Israel’s nuclear weapons. And U.S. presidents sign secret letters promising not
to acknowledge or pressure Israel to do anything relating to their proliferation status.
That means asking questions like these are entirely off limits — enforced by the threat of
government violence or law fare.
But all of this information leads to a series of questions:
Where does Israel dispose of the toxic waste its program generates?
Are Israel’s nuclear weapons ever used to coerce the U.S. into making adverse policy
decisions? How about our allies?
Besides apartheid South Africa, has Israel offered any of its nuclear weapons for sale to other
foreign countries? To U.S. adversaries?
Has Israel mounted nuclear weapons onto its German-supplied Dolphin-class submarines? Or
their American-supplied F-35 jets?
No questions are allowed.
And what is the cost, the dollar amount, for Americans, of this “nuclear ambiguity” policy?
Well it’s not cheap.
To be exact, almost $240 billion dollars of military and economic aid has gone from the U.S.
taxpayer since the passing of the Symington and Glenn Amendments. That’s far more than the
United States spent rebuilding Europe under the Marshall Plan. And none of that quarter of a
trillion dollars should have been allowed under U.S. law. That’s the price of keeping Israel’s
secret. A quarter trillion.
And yet.. where is the International Atomic Energy Agency and international nuclear inspectors?
The same ones who monitor every other nuclear armed country in the world?
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Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 1
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