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Voter Fraud Sweeping Pennsylvania? Here’s What to Know…

Cut the line at 145. They cut the line at one 4545. You hear that, everyone? Reports of voter suppression are casting a shadow over Pennsylvania, a state that could very well tip the scales on the future of our nation. We’re talking about long lines where frustrated voters are being turned away. Some even finding themselves in handcuffs simply for trying to exercise their democratic right to vote.

I’m Ben Swann. This is truth in media.

That’s a big crouch. It’s 241 and they are ending the line. What you just saw there is voter suppression happening in broad daylight in Pennsylvania on the last day of early voting. GOP officials are now swinging back with a massive lawsuit claiming officials in Pennsylvania’s Bucks County are blocking long lines of voters from making their voices heard. Democrat election officials are seeing our numbers.

They’re seeing our turnout. They are seeing us breaking early voting records across Pennsylvania. They are terrified, and they want to stop our momentum. So why are these voters being turned away? Well, we don’t know for sure. But here’s what we do know. In these areas where the turnout seems to heavily favor Trump. People are waiting up to three hours in line, and voting centers say they simply can’t handle the amount of people.

You got to be kidding. Telling people to leave because they didn’t have the capacity for all the early votes. The state had four years to prepare for early voting, and if you didn’t have enough people on day one or day two or day three, why did you not bring in more staff? If voters show up, they should be allowed to cast their ballots, no exceptions.

One RNC official in the state was even arrested after telling voters to stay in line no matter what. Well, wow. Wow. That’s crazy. Well, now the Trump campaign says voter suppression is rampant throughout the state. This is especially critical in Pennsylvania. We’ve been telling you it is maybe the key battleground state. Voters here are blue collar, everyday workers.

They can’t afford to take two days off from work to make it to the polls. And Republicans are especially angry about this, since the numbers show early voting in Pennsylvania among Republicans is higher than ever before. Excitement across the state is astonishing. And if you don’t believe me, just ask Pennsylvania Democratic Senator John Fetterman. There’s a difference between not and I understanding, but also acknowledging that it exists.

And anybody spends time driving around and you can see the intensity. It’s astonishing. Yeah. And if you turn on the mainstream networks, you won’t see this mentioned anywhere. Are you surprised they’re still talking about the bad joke told on stage at Trump’s rally days ago, giving platforms to comments like this. The only garbage I see floating out there is your supporters.

So a comedian makes a joke about a place, but current sitting president Joe Biden goes ahead and labels at least 75 million Americans as garbage. And there’s no outrage. And it’s not like we haven’t seen this before. Remember, Hillary Clinton called Trump voters deplorables in 2016? Kamala called them fascist just last week. And all of that is given a pass from a party that claims to represent unity.

Joining me now to discuss is Carlos Trujillo. He is the former ambassador to the Organization of American States. And Carlos, thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. Let’s start with the comments that were made. You know, it seems like the media really wanted this Puerto Rico joke that was made by this comedian at Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally to become such a big deal.

But honestly, as I look at it, it doesn’t seem to be catching on with anyone except for kind of white liberals who seem to be upset. But for the most part, it doesn’t seem to have much traction here. Well, it’s a comedian who made a joke that some people find offensive. Some people don’t. But I think what’s very clear that was a comedian who made that joke.

President Biden, in his own words, called Trump supporters garbage. That’s not a comedian. That’s not a spokesperson. That’s not a third party. That’s the president. United States referring to 70 plus million Americans who will come out and support President Trump in the next five days as garbage. Yeah, absolutely. And the comment, as you said, came directly from his own lips, as opposed to the fact that Trump didn’t make the comment about Puerto Rico at all, wasn’t even in the building, actually, at the time that the comment was made.

I want to ask you, though, about Pennsylvania, right. There’s a lot going on there, as we’ve been talking about throughout this show, voters who are being turned away early voting numbers for Republicans are unprecedented in terms of how many Republicans are turning out. And yet the state seems to be almost intentionally denying people the ability to vote early, even though they’re encouraged to do so.

How do you see what’s happening in Pennsylvania playing out? I think the margin is going to be so large in President Trump’s favor that regardless of some of the game and chip you’ve seen played in some by some of the supervisors of elections, it’s not going to change the outcome. You look at the trend lines in Pennsylvania.

You look at the amount of support and enthusiasm that President Trump currently enjoys in Pennsylvania. It’s going to lead to a remarkable victory come Tuesday. We know there is a lawsuit that was announced last night by the Trump campaign that they’re filing a lawsuit in Pennsylvania over this. Help people to understand what does that mean? What can actually happen with a lawsuit like that?

Well, the campaign’s going to look to do is to seek an injunction to immediately an injunction. But it’ll do it’ll stop the bad behavior that’s currently occurring and precluded from occurring going forward. So the campaign has been very aggressive, very organized, really, led by Laura Trump on having a robust legal team to make sure that every single vote is count and only people who are legal citizens of this country are allowed to vote.

You know, you mentioned the enthusiasm gap between the Harris campaign and the Trump campaign. There’s definitely seems to be a gap there in terms of enthusiasm. But now, in terms of voter turnout, the voter turnout for Republicans in every single swing state, seems to be inordinately high right now as we move towards Election Day. You said you believe that the gap is going to be, as some people are calling it, maybe too big to rig.

I’ll give you the final word here. Well, if you said in Florida that I know very well Miami Dade County right now, President Trump, the largest county in Florida, it has a 12 point advantage. Never in my time following Republican politics in the state of Florida has the margin been that large in Pennsylvania at this point in history in, 2021.

Biden had about a 600,000 vote advantage today. It’s less than 100,000 for Kamala Harris. So I think these margins are going to be absolutely historic. I think we’re going have an early night on Tuesday and President Trump will be victorious. Well, we only have a few days to find out. Carlos Trujillo, thank you so much for your time.

Thank you for having me. And that is our show. You can catch all the latest coverage on the race. Check us out on X @Truth_InMedia and watch all of our full episodes right now at


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