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Intel on Israel Attack on Iran Leaked; Biden “deeply concerned”

On Monday, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said that the Pentagon is investigating a potential leak of U.S. intelligence documents purportedly outlining Israeli plans to attack Iran.

The classified information became public this weekend on Telegram, a popular messaging service. The documents — reportedly attributed to the U.S. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency (NSA) — were published onto a Telegram channel called Middle_East_Spectator.

“I know the Department of Defense is investigating this, and I’m sure that as they work through that, they’ll try to determine the manner in which they did become public,” Kirby said. “We’re deeply concerned, and the president remains deeply concerned, about any leakage of classified information in the public domain.”

In a CNN interview on Sunday, House Speaker Mike Johnson called the leak “very concerning” and affirmed that there is an investigation underway.

Iran’s foreign ministry has said its nation’s military is ready to counter any such attack from Israel.

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