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Trump’s Plan for Ukraine Emerges: No NATO Membership

This week, details of President-elect Donald J. Trump’s strategy to end the war in Ukraine reportedly started surfacing, with proposals from his key advisors suggesting significant territorial concessions to Russia and the exclusion of Ukraine from NATO.

Trump’s advisors — including incoming Russia-Ukraine envoy Ret. Army Lieutenant-General Keith Kellogg — are said to be emphasizing negotiations between Moscow and Kiev. They are also expected to halt military aid to Ukraine unless it agrees to peace talks, but to increase assistance should Russian President Vladimir Putin refuse negotiation.

NATO membership for Ukraine is also reportedly off the table, even as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy continues to push for it as part of his “Victory Plan”. However, many of Ukraine’s allies — including the United States and many countries across Europe — have been ramping up aid to Ukraine, potentially undermining Trump’s leverage.

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