The arrest of Telegram owner Pavel Durov in Paris is raising new alarm bells over a crackdown on free speech.
French prosecutors say that Durov was arrested on a warrant for a number of charges, including money laundering, drug trafficking, and child p*rnography.
These denunciations grew so loud that French President Emmanuel Macron responded to them, saying on X: “I have seen false information regarding France following the arrest of Pavel Durov. France is deeply committed to freedom of expression and communication.”
In response to the allegations, Telegram has denied that Durov did anything wrong. In a statement, the company said, “It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform,” adding that Telegram has “almost a billion users.”
Earlier this year, Durov gave an insightful interview with Tucker Carlson where he discussed the pressure he’s faced from government agencies, like one time when FBI agents interrupted his breakfast…
For the full story, watch Ben Swann’s latest New Short here!